Released on = January 28, 2007, 3:29 pm

Press Release Author = Benedictus D.K.Ayitey-President FranTech Ghana (USA) LLC

Industry = Financial

Press Release Summary = PRIME CAPITAL GROUP,INC,Signs GlobalClear Technology
Worldwide Partnership Agreement with GLOBAL FRANTECH GROUP To Market Licenses in 220


PRIME CAPITAL GROUP, INC., Signs GlobalClear Technology Worldwide
Partnership Agreement With GLOBAL FRANTECH GROUP To Market Licenses in
220 countries.

ACCRA,Ghana, West Africa - January 22, 2007 - Prime Capital Group,
Inc. signed a GlobalClear Technology Partnership Agreement with Global
FranTech Group and FranTech Ghana, (FranTech), of Accra, Ghana, West Africa which
FranTech grants the right to Prime Capital Group market
GlobalClear Technology licensed programs through FranTech\'s and
Primegate Asia technology network and agents in 220 countries to
governments and enterprises around the world.

The company explained that the Prime Capital Group is part of Mesa
Financial Group a licensed Investment Bankers with clients for
integration of various technologies distribution services into
(GlobalClear Technology Enterprise) programs are uniquely suited to
the needs of GlobalClear Technologies Partner\'s in emerging growth
companies in most countries. Prime Capital Group signed a partnership
agreement with GlobalClear Technology Partners and Global FranTech
which has been in the business directly to change the way government
business use the Technology and Capital Funding for directly assisting
emerging growth companies, both domestically and internationally.

Michael Hampton, Chairman of Prime Capital Group Inc., said, \"We chose
FranTech because of their tremendous geographic reach and proven track
record in establishing intergration of various technlogies in strategic
bundling with FranTech and GlobalClear licensing agreements. With more
than 35 years of experience,

FranTech knows strategic bundling of technologies, international
finance, VC Funding, trade policy, law, marketing, investment banking,
and technology research. Its broad expertise, coupled with access to
enterprises and governmental decision makers, provides services
valuable to Prime Capital Group worldwide.\"

The company explained that FranTech\'s and Prime Capital\'s and Mesa
Financial Group\'s mission is to foster the strategic bundling with
GlobalClear Systems and its intergration of Primegate,
PostEasy,MissionTrust, Open Limitand XRT and other muttually agreed
processes in strategic bundling to create new products for worldwide
deployment, distribution with project finance, for development of the
global economy by providing a GlobalClear Interbank Clearing and
Settlement systems in real time to perspective banks, securities
dealers, developers, marketers, manufacturers and innovators on newly
emerging and preemptive technologies in China and the Pacific Rim. It
offers world-class solutions for the licensing and transfer of USA and
Global innovations to emerging economies.

Philip Nadeau, CEO of FranTech, said, \"We see a tremendous market
worldwide with Prime Capital Group (PCG) facilitating the funding and
growth of Primegate Asia and GlobalClear Technologies in China, Africa,
Australia and Asian regions finance programs for governments and
emerging companies and already have interest from several countries. We
plan on developing brand name recognition and positioning of the two
Group\'s \" Global FranTech Group\" and \"Prime Capital Group\" marketing
GlobalClear Technology to many banks, governmental agencies and private
companies where we already have relationships in place.\"

About Prime Capital Group, Inc.

Prime Capital Group\'s and Mesa Financial Group\'s breakthrough of this
vision for financing in the Pacific Rim began with the research that
found that the right Chinese terms and guanrantee\'s of financing and
what would be required to address any root challenges in China to
realizing the financing with a global vision with the Chinese partners.

Prime Capital Group is an experienced Global group specializing in
transitioning private company\'s to a listed status to market their

In addition, Prime Capital Group coordinates private funding for growth
orientated companies in the Asian and mainly China regions.

The Prime Capital Group team is comprised of highly ethical experienced
professionals with a common goal of agreed outcomes for investors and
commercial investor entities in China.

The role of Prime Capital Group is to:

.Assist GlobalClear Technology Partners and Primegate Asia Licensee\'s
identify technology and investment opportunities requiring private
capital in 220

.Assess the opportunity using a rigorous and concise due diligence
process, involving the core Global FranTech and specialist members of
its licensed satellite advisory required throughout China;

.Structure the strategic bundling transactions within agreed time
frames, covenants, outcomes and contingency into 220 countries;

.Actively assist the Chinese company pre/post investment strategic
planning, Global governance, ongoing value adding for shareholders;

.Crystallize Chinese shareholder\'s outcomes by working Chinese
to develop depth of market and liquidity to allow vendors to sell down
within a controlled environment often in conjunction with attracting
institutional registers in China.

\"Highly ethical, skilled and experienced Chinese professionals with a
common goal of achieving agreed outcome investors and commercial
for PCG global investors\"


The Prime Capital Group is experienced in securing from a variety of

Part of Prime Capital Group\'s service is to assess the project for the
most likely and most appropriate method of strategic bundling for

Examples of potential sources of funding include:

.China\'s Prime Capital\'s related listed company (pre-IPO funding)

.China\'s Venture Capital funds - we work closely with worldwide
institutional and private funds;

. Overseas stock exchanges; Hong Kong, Shanghai abd Shenzhen.

. Private Investors;

. Institutional Investors;

. State and Federal grants; and

. Other semi-government funding sources

In certain cases, funding can also be achieved byway of partnering
and/or provision of services at nominal exchange for interest in the
Chinese venture.

Our GlobalClear Technology Partners licensed satellite firms create a
gateway to potential investments that most small and medium enterprises
couldn\'t access, and the China investment management ensures that the
service provided goes well beyond normal services worldwide.

PCG and Primegate Licensed Satellite Network

It is the unique ability of the PCG to determine disciplinary services
in a coordinated, professional manner that ensures a major role in the
mobilization of this Chinese region.

If you are interested in joining the Prime Capital and Global FranTech
network, the first step is to submit a CV and financial to FranTech

We demand the highest standards from our licensed satellite
in the areas of integrity, competency, professionalism and ethics.
Licensed members also need to have a genuine knowledge of worldwide

Many of the worldwide projects that Prime Capital Group will deal with
will be Venture Development, mezzanine/pre-IPO stage projects that
benefit from the Prime Capital Group satellite expertise. We do not
impose our PCG team, rather we work with the SME to supplement it\'s
resources. PCG will Globally list companies on Worldwide Stock

With some of the early stage PCG and MFG projects they may provide
global services at concessional rates in order to project to the stage
where normal, commercial fee starts to be implemented. This will
result in increased demand worldwide sooner and in greater volumes than
if a PCG and MFG project is not burdened in early stages.

Prime Capital Group will conduct an accreditation licensee training in
China with respect of the GlobalClear Technology Partners licensed
satellite network upon initial acceptance of new PCG licensed members.
Our success is reflected in, and dependent on our level of global
services to our worldwide clients from GlobalClear Technology Partners
licensed network members in 220 countries.

If you would like to join our PCG licensed satellite network, please
send your resume by e-mail to us:

Prime Capital Group strength lies in its Financing, organizational,
developmental and analyzing Chinese IPO abilities.

The company has arranged and assisted in major breakthrough Global
Financing development. The fields most directly included are IPO\'s,
Investment banking, underwritings and the marketing of financial
investment products thru all forms of financial media exposure. Prime
Capital Group is uniquely positioned to address the worldwide needs of
developing nations financial needs development as well as the
business growth needs of industrial finance nations SME\'s around the

About Global FranTech Group Licensing

FranTech consists of core partners surrounded by interlocking networks
of consultants and affiliates in key trading countries and disciplines.
They have over thirty-five years of experience with their proven
partners. In addition, FranTech has proven track records in strategic
bundling, assembling, negotiating and consummating trade, licensing,
technological and financial agreements; they pool strengths drawn from
experience in international trade policy, law, marketing, investment
banking and technology research. This broad expertise, coupled with
access to key governmental and business decision makers, provides
financial services uniquely valuable to Prime Capital Group
Technology Partners) in the restructuring global economy. Prime
Group is pleased to commence a strong working relationship with Global
FranTech and GlobalClear Technology Partners.

FranTech\'s mission is to foster the development of the Global Economy
providing a Global Perspective to investment banking, e-commerce,
funding for developers, marketers, manufactures, and innovators of
emerging and preemptive technologies. They offer world-class solutions
for the licensing and transfer of USA innovations to emerging economies
in 220 countries worldwide for over thirty-five years.

For information on this exclusive
GlobalClear Technology Partners services and technology contact
Ghana at + 718-742-0245

Submitted by: Benedictus D.K. Ayitey, FranTech Ghana, (USA) LLC.

Web Site =

Contact Details = FranTech Ghana (USA)LLC
1201 Broadway, Suite 608
New York, NY 10001-5405
Tel: 718-742-0245
Fax: 718-742-0245

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